Bear Lake Watch

Our mission is to protect and preserve Bear Lake by keeping it CLEAN, DEEP and BLUE

The Milfoil Monster

And you thought the Bear Lake Monster was scary.


Clean water,
free of invasive species.
Pristine shoreline with sandy and stone beaches.


Preserve as much water in the lake as possible and ensure a healthy, constant shoreline.


Reduce the sediment from Bear River that flows into Bear Lake to maintain water quality and its brilliant blue color.

We are

Bear Lake Watch

Our mission is simple: to preserve and protect Bear Lake for present and future generations. From ensuring water quality and quantity to combating invasive species, we strive to enhance the quality of life for everyone who relies on the lake.

We invite you to join us in our efforts to keep Bear Lake clean, deep, and blue. Whether you choose to make a donation, contribute by mapping milfoil in the lake, or engage in other conservation activities, your support makes a difference. Together, we can make a lasting impact on this treasured gem!

Bear Lake Eurasian Watermilfoil Scientific Symposium

Scientific Symposium

October 18, 2024
10:00 am – 2:00 pm MT
ZOOM Meeting

An up-to-date comprehensive symposium with top aquatic plant scientists and organizations. The symposium is open to the public, scientists, administrative agencies and press to discuss challenges and opportunities for protecting Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho.

Bear Lake Initiative; Sediment and nutrient reduction collaborative meeting

Bear Lake Initiative

October 15, 2024
10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Utah DEQ
195 N 1950 W  Salt Lake City, UT

We invite you to participate in a collaborative meeting aimed at developing a strategic action plan to mitigate the excessive sediment and nutrient inflows into Bear Lake. These inflows are harming water quality, reducing usable shoreline, escalating invasive species, and threatening endemic species as well as the unique chemical balance of Bear Lake.

Bear Lake Data Repository

Bear Lake Watch Announces the Establishment of the Bear Lake Data Repository

Dr. Jeffrey R. Nielson, of the Utah State University, Department of Watershed Sciences, Logan, Utah, has created a comprehensive centralized open-access repository for environmental datasets related to Bear Lake. The Bear Lake Data Repository (BLDR) is available to researchers and the general public.

The BLDR spans decades of work in which physical, chemical, and biological data from numerous scientists have been carefully curated. The BLDR now serves as a foundation for comprehensive data archiving for the future. As a result, researchers can download data and conduct studies combining new and earlier data relating to Bear Lake. Any scientists interested in augmenting the BLDR with additional data should contact the Bear Lake Watch Science Committee at to formally request to add more data to the BLDR.

Bear Lake Watch’s strategy is to support science and the scientific community in developing, processing, and disseminating scientific information that can help to keep Bear Lake clean, deep, and blue. We are proud to serve as the repository manager of this important and growing body of scientific information relating to Bear Lake,” said Gregory C. Critchfield, MD, MS, and Bryce Nielson, Co-Chairs of the Bear Lake Watch Science Committee.

Bear Lake Watch

Bear Lake Watch's New Logo

Captures the beauty, complexity and magic of Bear Lake.

USGS Water Monitoring Sites

View water quality data from the USGS platforms in Bear Lake

Report Milfoil

Have you seen Milfoil in the lake? Report it in our mapping app to assist with treatment.

Bear Lake Whitefish | Bear Lake Watch

Endemic Fish

Learn about the Endemic fish of Bear Lake

Bear Lake Watch Library

Dive deeper into Bear Lake maps, case studies, and other lake data and resources.