Clean, Deep & Blue


Clean water,
free of invasive species.
Pristine shoreline with sandy and stone beaches.


Preserve as much water in the lake as possible and ensure a healthy, constant shoreline.


Reduce the sediment from Bear River that flows into Bear Lake to maintain water quality and its brilliant blue color.


One of the keys to preserving Bear Lake and its pristine beaches is ensuring the lake remains CLEAN by preventing the introduction of new invasive species. To avoid transporting hitchhikers like quagga mussels, we rely on Boaters to clean, drain, and dry their vessels before entering the lake. We are actively striving to eradicate invasive plants both on the shore and in the water.

Learn more about some of the THREATS to keeping Bear Lake Clean. Your actions will make a difference!


To protect Bear Lake’s sandy beaches and establish a constant shoreline, it is essential to implement water conservation practices and efficient water management strategies. Enhancing infrastructure to store excess water during wet seasons will also help maintain a steady water level. Collaborative efforts among local governments, irrigators, and conservation groups are vital to balancing water usage and ecological preservation, ensuring Bear Lake remains DEEP and vibrant.


Reducing the sediment from Bear River that flows into the lake is essential to preserving its iconic BLUE color and health. Implementing erosion control measures, such as establishing riparian buffer zones with vegetation along the riverbanks, can significantly decrease sediment runoff. Restoration projects to stabilize riverbanks and rehabilitate degraded areas will further reduce sediment inflow, ensuring Bear Lake maintains its stunning turquoise hue.

Get Involved!

Your involvement can make a significant difference in keeping Bear Lake CLEAN, DEEP and BLUE.