Bear Lake Initiative – Sediment & Nutrient Reduction

Utah State University Janet Quinney Lawson Institute for Land, Water & Air
Utah State University Janet Quinney Lawson Institute for Land, Water & Air
AERF Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation
APMS The Aquatic Plant Management Society
PacifiCorp logo

We invite you to participate in a collaborative meeting aimed at developing a strategic action plan to mitigate the excessive sediment and nutrient inflows into Bear Lake. These inflows are harming water quality, reducing usable shoreline, escalating invasive species, and threatening endemic species as well as the unique chemical balance of Bear Lake.

Presented by the partners of the USGS Platform Study: USGS, Utah DEQ, Idaho DEQ, Bear Lake Watch, and PacifiCorp; in collaboration with Utah State University, USFWS Bear Lake Refuge, Bear River Water Users Association, and other agencies and policymakers.

We extend our gratitude to everyone involved for sharing your invaluable expertise and ideas as we work together to develop an innovative plan to reduce the harmful sediment and nutrient inflow into Bear Lake.

Bear Lake Initiative
Sediment & Nutrient Reduction

October 15, 2024
10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Utah DEQ
195 N 1950 W  Salt Lake City, UT



FRAMING – Bear Lake history and issues

DATA – Reports

  • USGS 6-yr Platform – Buiding robust baseline dataset; water quality, weather, evaporation, and limnology processes
  • USGS Inflow Sampling – Rainbow Inlet Canal & Causeway
  • Bi-State DEQ Tributary Monitoring – Update
  • BL National Wildlife Refuge & PacifiCorp – Sediment effects on management

    LUNCH PROVIDED – Unstructured networking time

    WORKING SESSION – Possible solutions; spark innovation; hear from experience; theories

    WORKING GROUPS – Solution seeking; divide and imagine

    • Physics to Civics – Sciences, funding, agriculture, operations, policy, organization and more

    RECONVENE & REPORT – Formulate a plan and define next steps


    Gregory Critchfield, MD, MS
    Bear Lake Watch
    (435) 535-1538

    Dr. Patrick Belmont
    Utah State University
    Watershed Science