Sign the Petition – Sediment

Take a stand to help keep Bear Lake clean, deep and blue.

Reduce sediment and nutrient inflow into Bear Lake

Our beloved Bear Lake, often dubbed the ‘Caribbean of the Rockies’ for its emerald blue color, is under a silent threat. This lake, renowned for its clean, deep, and blue waters that we hold dear, is gradually changing. The sediment from the Bear River is slowly but steadily altering our cherished lake. It introduces suspended sediments and excessive nutrients that lead to the overproduction of algae and bacteria, resulting in cloudy water. This isn’t just a matter of aesthetics; it’s about preserving an ecosystem that supports a wide variety of fish species and other wildlife. According to studies by Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), nutrient pollution can cause significant water quality problems including harmful algal blooms which not only degrade recreational enjoyment but also pose risks to human health.

We must take action now to reduce this sedimentation process before it permanently alters our precious lake.

We are calling on local authorities to implement effective measures aimed at reducing sediment and nutrient inflow into Bear Lake. By signing this petition you are standing up for our beautiful ‘Caribbean of the Rockies’, ensuring future generations can enjoy its pristine beauty as we have done so far. Please sign this petition today!

Learn More

About how the Bear River-Mud Lake-Bear Lake system is essential to keeping unwanted sediment out of Bear Lake.

Sign the Petition