
Passionately advocating for Bear Lake through science, data and collaboration

Bear Lake has always had its superfans–what it lacked in the past was a unifying entity that could bring parties to the table to find proactive solutions. Since 1993, Bear Lake Watch has filled that role, while compiling a remarkable track record for advocacy, scientific research, education, policy guidance, and win-win solutions.

In recent years, Bear Lake Watch has funded and completed thirteen scientific research projects, all dedicated to expanding the knowledge and understanding of Bear Lake, which, in turn, helps guide the decisions being made by key decision makers.

And the best is yet to come! We are proud to partner with respected scientists and researchers from colleges and universities as well as federal, state, and local agencies. We have eight newly funded research projects currently underway and there is so much more that needs to be done.

Each project Bear Lake Watch helps fund uses cutting-edge technology to collect and analyze crucial scientific data. Sophisticated predictive analytics are then used to model and understand historical patterns at Bear Lake, which lead to solving future problems before it’s too late.

Your financial support is essential to sustain the efforts of Bear Lake Watch as it works to safeguard Bear Lake for current and future generations. Get involved today to help ensure that Bear Lake has a better tomorrow.


Bear Lake Data Repository: Bear Lake Environmental Data Accessibility and Preservation
The Bear Lake data repository will enhance the accessibility and preservation of the invaluable datasets collected at Bear Lake over the last century. It will provide unprecedented, convenient, and open access to modern and historic chemical, biological, and physical datasets. This will be the needed foundation for advancing science at Bear Lake, and a critical step for well-informed decision making and sustainable management. Projected date of completion: July 2024.

Improving the Understanding of High-Dimensional Lake State Transitions in Bear Lake Idaho-Utah Using Machine Learning
Led by Utah State University mathematics/statistics faculty members Brennan Bean, PhD and Kevin Moon, PhD, this unprecedented project consists of the collection and collation of existing high-dimensional data and its subsequent analysis through the use of machine learning algorithms to determine the dynamic changes that have historically occurred in Bear Lake. The data from these analyses will help predict outcomes at Bear Lake both before and as they develop, which will enable Bear Lake Watch to impact the future state of the lake by providing specific insights to policymakers and legislators and by better informing the general public.

Bear Lake Watch Special Collection
Assembled all known studies about Bear Lake and Mud Lake in a special collection at the Quinney Natural Resources Library at Utah State University. This was the first project funded by Bear Lake Watch. New studies are continually being added to the collection, helping our organization understand what’s already been discovered before embarking on future projects.

Dietrial Zircon Study
A joint study with Idaho State University examining the effects of shoreline sand erosion and displacement and the origin of Bear Lake sand.

Water Quality Profiling and Weather Monitoring Platforms
This five-year study began in 2018 and was renewed in 2023 for an additional three years. The floating platforms gather a near-continuous data set of water quality parameters and weather information at two locations on Bear Lake (the platforms are removed from the lake in the winter). Water quality measurements are taken every meter of depth from the surface to the lake bottom four times daily. The weather data is compiled every five minutes. This information is available to the public on the USGS NWIS web site. In addition to creating a robust data set on Bear Lake water quality, this study is helping to refine evaporation estimates. Partners: USGS, PacifiCorp, Idaho & Utah DEQ, Bear Lake Watch.

Nutrient, Suspended Sediment and Total Dissolved Solids at Bear Lake Causeway
This two-year study, funded by Bear Lake Watch in partnership with USGS, will measure data related to nutrients, suspended sediment, and total dissolved solids at the causeway where Bear River water enters Bear Lake. Sediment entering Bear Lake is a major concern and this study will quantify how much is coming into the lake. There were nine samplings in 2019 and 12 scheduled for 2020, but due to low flows, some of the sampling had to occur in 2022. The study was continued and expanded in 2023 (a very high flow water year).

Real-Time Stage Monitoring on Bear Lake
Installed in late 2019, this state-of-the-art depth gauge provides real-time data about the elevation of Bear Lake. The accuracy and reliability of this data is important to the Bear River Commission, the Bear River Compact States, as well as to Bear Lakers. Partners: USGS, PacifiCorp, and The Bear River Commission, Bear Lake Watch.

Native Vegetation Study and Report
This in-depth literature study of native vegetation will establish a historical baseline for comparison to what is growing in the lake now.

Economic Value of Bear Lake
Economic value is the language understood by legislatures, governors, and grantors. This study has helped establish an estimated economic value for Clean, Deep and Blue, as well as place a value on the financial impact that Bear Lake has on business, tourism, recreation, aesthetics, etc. Partners: BRAG, Utah FFSL, Utah State Parks, the Community Impact Board, Idaho Water Resource Board, Idaho Parks & Rec, Bear Lake Watch.

LIDAR Flight
Obtained data for high resolution contour mapping of Bear Lake and NWR. Data is used to delineate the Ordinary High-Water Mark and establish accurate capacities of Bear Lake and Mud Lake. Completed in the fall 2017, with all data made available to the public. Partners included Idaho Department of Lands and US Fish & Wildlife (Bear Lake National Wildlife Refuge).

Mud Lake Symposium
Brought together Utah and Idaho DEQs, Water Resources, Bear River Commissioners, PacifiCorp, and Bear Lakers in May of 2014 to gain a common understanding of how Mud Lake, Bear Lake, and the Bear River function. Our organization has been requested to repeat this symposium.

Mud Lake Bathymetry
A Utah State University study that replicated a 2009 study to ascertain if the extremely high-water flows in 2011 changed the bathymetry and functionality of Mud Lake. Completed in 2014.

Sediment Dynamics in the Bear River – Mud Lake – Bear Lake System
This two-year study by Utah State University examined changes in sediment rates and sources in Mud Lake cores, changes in Mud Lake water quality, changes in Bear Lake shorelines, and changes in vegetation found along Bear Lake shorelines. Understanding sedimentation that takes place in Mud Lake is helping us understand sedimentation in Bear Lake. The study was completed in late 2018. Collaborators: The US Fish & Wildlife, Utah State University and Bear Lake Watch.