Bear Lake Watch Library

Regional Economic Values of the Bear River

May 7, 2024 | Uncategorized

This study was intended to quantify the values of the Bear River to the rural economies highly dependent on the river’s water, and the Great Salt Lake

There is a need to efficiently use water from the Bear River for both maintaining Great Salt Lake and the upstream communities. This study was intended to provide data to more fully describe the value of the Bear River.

As we look for solutions to maintain a resilient water supply in the Bear River basin, we need to understand the values that water provides to all uses.

The Bear River contributes approximately 39% of water entering the Great Salt Lake but also forms the foundation of economies of the counties through which this river flows. (this % varies significantly year to year)



USGS Water Quality Monitoring Sites
USGS Water Quality Monitoring Sites

Bear Lake water quality data visualizations are monitored and plotted with depth over time for two locations on Bear Lake each season. Water-quality instrumentation has been deployed on Bear Lake every spring since 2018. The instrumentation is housed on two floating...